So you dear Mommies, is the answer to my issues
"This too shall pass"
"Welcome to Motherhood"?
I, of course, am referring to my children's total lack of sleep discipline. I really should have posted this a week ago, because, really, they are getting a smidge better. They are both asleep at this very moment, so it can't be all that bad, right??
I have to admit, I was reading a friends blog (she has a baby just a week younger than K) and felt the tinest tinge of jealousy when I read her babe is sleeping through the night! Especially since K thinks he still needs to eat 3-4 times at night. I asked how she did it, and pretty much said the baby did it herself. And this gal is so sweet, and helpful, and how can I be jealous??
Just a bit ago, I was reading another friends blog, and she blogged about this very thing! We are blessed to have friends with blogs, but often we find ourselves comparing everything, because we blog and know about everything everyone is doing! If we don't have the right attitude, we can find ourselves having negative thoughts as we catch up, and isn't that the opposite effect blogs are supposed to have?? So dear Mommies, I say we take this all with a grain of salt and love and learn from each other. There. Done ranting for the day.
Have I mentioned it is POURING outside?? Parts of our neighborhood are flooded!!
2 days ago
If it makes you feel any less alone in your sleep deprivation, our oldest didn't sleep through the night until he was 2 1/2. Our second does okay, but for some reason he's been up 2-3 times every night for the last week. I'm dieing :) Thank heavens for our one year old, who does sleep through the night. On days like this, you wear a hat and eat lots of chocolate.
I feel the same way! Dev just started sleeping through the night at 14 months or so I thought until this last week and then we've been up 3-4 time a night. Seriously I get jealous when I hear that a friends baby started sleeping through the night at like 2 weeks old!!
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